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Client Supply
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The ENVISION SYSTEMS, INC. CLIENT SUPPLY Module has been designed to have a managed control approach to the issuance of specimen collection supplies to clients with compliance concepts as an important factor.

Highlights of this module:

  • Dollar control over supplies issued based on revenue received from a client (or client group) as compared to actual dollars of client supplies issued. As an example, if you were to determine that 2.5% is the maximum value of client supplies as compared to revenue, a client (or client group) with revenue of $1,000.00 would be allowed $25.00 of client supply. Once over that amount, the system automatically restricts the order. All values are on a year to date basis for ongoing control.

  • Ability to have quantity control over how much of a product a specific client (or client group) could be issued based on the type of specimens received.

  • Ability to have item control over the types of items a specific client (or client group) can receive based on the specialty of that client (or client group) and the type of specimens received. Compliance calls for this.

  • Ability for issue control over issuance of items based on quantity of specimens received for a specific client (or client group).

  • Ability for evaluation of clients based on revenue, specimens and dollars of client supplies issued.

  • Automated handling of capital items (centrifuges, printers, etc.) for control of where your assets are.

  • Client service improvement by having the ability to know when a client supply order was issued and what specifically was on the order.

  • Ability to provide custom client supply requisitions to reduce the “shopping” that a client is often tempted to do.

  • Ability to have management reports on a user requested basis for the items issued to a client (or client group).